sábado, 27 de junio de 2009

Annoyances of Traveling

Now if you know me, which you should, you would know that traveling is one of my favorite ways to spend my leisure time. It ranks up there with eating In-N-Out, chillin with Saint Dog, and imbibing. However when one decides to exit their comfort zone and experience new places, people, and things; uncomfortable situations occur.

You also should know that I can be very cynical and critical, but don’t get it twisted, I am very go with the flow. The following are just interpretations of some of my views and a critique, but in my style.

To put it more bluntly when traveling I observe, and the following things piss me off!

First I must admit that I am a hypocrite in some of these situations, as I partake in a lot of the following bull shit that is ruining travel. However the first step to recovery is admittance, and I just took that one.

So in no particular order…

Travel Books:

Are you looking for the most unadventurous, trendy, on the beaten path manner to see a foreign destination? Pick up a Guide book and follow it to a T! Lonely Planet, Fromers, and Footprint all are written by a bunch of lucky bastards, (of whose profession I am jealous), and there is an overbearing abundance of goobers who follow these things like the state of Utah does the Book of Mormon.

I have owned the too popular “LP” (I hate when they call it that) and a Footprint and they do provide some good information. My buddy Chris, who has traveled much more of this world than I have once told me “ yes Lonely Planet is good to have for a reference, but only as a reference and you would be a fool to travel with it as your only source” or something along those lines.

The huge problem is a majority of travelers uses these books directly against Chris’s advice, and they all congregate in the same spots and its not a authentic experience. When I did take the advice of my travel book I found my self thinking, “oh perfect this is why I came to Colombia, to hang out with a bunch of Irish and Australian guys, and pick up on some stupid sounding English.”

As these books have made traveling more convenient they have also created “Gringo Trails”. This takes away from a big part of traveling, being away from the norm, and emersion in something new.


Ok, not all of them but the douche bag ones. The ones who live by their travel books. They make me think “why did you leave your country.” I want to complement people for wanting to get out of their home and experience a different cultures and places, but if you go you should do just that! I want to castigate the “Backpackers” who travel for months in big groups, don’t learn a lick of the local language, and live by Lonely Planet.

Taking pictures:

People go to a location, bust out the camera, and immediately take as many pictures as possible.

Commonly, travelers will arrive at a historical landmark, impressive natural scene, or point of interest, and skip over the conveniently placed informational sign to describe the thing you are looking at. They will proceed to take a bunch of pictures to show people that they were there, and that is that.

There is always the concern of getting the picture, and this takes away from the actual joy of being there in the present time.

People refer to certain places and say: “heres a great place to take a picture so get your cameras ready”. It seems that taking the picture has become more important than actually seeing the site.

This also occurs when going out at night. People want to bring the camera to take funny drunken pictures. Sounds incriminating to me, I tend to act a fool when drinking, and I am not a fan of evidence. Also you can never get every one in, and the photos have to be taken multiple times.

“Oh wait, we have to take that one again, Billy wasn’t in it.”

Now I agree it is fun to look back at photos to reminisce, but not at the inconvenience of the moment.


Probably the main reason people take photos in the first place. To tag people and share with all their friendsies!

Again I am a hypocrite as of course I have an account, as does anyone who has access to the internet.

My beef is the people who abuse it and there fore are addicted. It’s a vicious pattern. You get a Lonely Planet, you go to Backpacker hostels, you meet others who are the same as you, you exchange facebook friend requests, you share pictures, and make little cute comments.

If it weren’t such a great networking tool, I would delete it right now!

Asians in SARS masks:

I am not one to be racist or stereotype but this is dead on. I have been in a few airports recently, and only Asians are wearing these masks, and they are doing it in numbers.

Here is a ratio.

6,767,555,800: 263

The global population : People who have died from Swine Flue.

Do the math, you will not get it.

Just learn to wash your hands more often, use a condom, and stay away from suspect looking people and you will be fine.


Generally I don’t object to people who are introverts, I actually encourage their presence. I my self am not a fan of being around people who are supper outgoing and want to make mindless chitchat with me regarding shit that is none of their business. But Israelis taken standoffishness it to a whole different level.

They travel together in large packs, and tend to always meet up with other Jew packs, and are pretty much rude to all outsiders. Not a good way to travel.

I did meet 2 chill ones out of the bunch, but the majority seemed to reject others if you were not born in the promised land. I told one that I was part of the tribe, and he was astonished as this piece of info came to him right after I asked for his bacon.

He ordered a hot dog at a convenience stand that was right next to a soccer field where we just played. It came with cheese and bacon. At first I was shocked at the fact that he would order a hot dog as that does not sound too kosher, but he did. He then sent it back when it had cheese on it.

I asked him for his bacon and said sure. He then proceeded to explain to this Irish guy and me that he was kosher and what it meant and I said yea I know Im Jewish. He then was astonished that I had ate his bacon.

I said yea that if he wanted to get down to it I don’t belief in God and if there is a God it would be a fool for not allowing people to eat bacon!

He did not like this comment.

If eating a bacon is a sin, then send me to the inferno and I will eat bacon with Satan and Michael Jackson.

Traveling in large groups:

I like to go do my own thing on my own time. Being with others on their agenda is a pain in the ass! One other person who is on my level is cool. More than that is a hassle.

The exception to this is when I am with my Grandparents. They have earned the right to take their time and I enjoy accommodating them.

When I am doing independent traveling and get stuck with a bunch of people who want to go together this is a problem.

Your with some people about to do something and wait, one more guy wants to come. But wait he needs to shower first. Oh and not a quick shower, he wants to rub one out in there while he is doing it.

I lose tolerance for this quick.

I want to do my things when I want to do them and your agenda does not fit in.


Computers with time limits:

Like the one I am currently on! I have to cut this short because there are others waiting.

PS: Im sure I sound like an asshole after this entry. Which is pretty accurate. However I have been traveling 3rd world lately, and I am now being pampered on a nice Cruise/Bus adventure. It is a tough reverse culture shock for me and I am still adapting. I am really enjoying my self, but part of me is bitter.

I love my family and friends more than words can describe.


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